Friday, October 13, 2023

Fat loss not weight loss!

Start with 10 minutes cardio, continued with remaining full-fledged weight training session (1hr. total session).

Slowly increase time of your cardio until 3 months. At 3 months time your cardio and weight training will be 50/50. 

Slowly increase your cardio. 

At 6 months, your cardio becomes 100% and weight training is almost negligible. 

Now, your almost all fat reserves will go away and you have retained your lean muscles mass. Your muscles and skin look much toned and conditioned. 

After 6 months, reverse the process. Slowly decrease cardio and start doing and increasing weight training. After 9 months you will again attain 50/50 cardio and weight training. At 12 months your weight training will be 100% and cardio will be negligible.

This a perfect method of losing all your fats; reassuming your strength, endurance and agility and looking more better and conditioned with more glowing skin, and more sculpted and proportionate body. This will ensure your good health, well-being and eternal happiness.