Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The reason why we should take more proteins!

Proteins comes up first when we talk about different diets or supplements needed by our body. Second comes up Carbohydrates. Third comes up fat rich diet. Fourth comes up sugar rich diet.

When we think about chemistry of above diets and how they treat each other under unusual circumstances inside our body is a matter of literacy.

Let’s start with sugar rich diet. When the level of sugar goes does in our body than normal it takes inputs from fats storage of our body to normalize the condition. When body fat level goes down it takes inputs from carbohydrates storage of our body. But when protein level of body goes down or if our body needs more protein there is no back up or input from any other contemporary diet or supplement. So as the mechanism of body says, our body will now borrow protein from our whole body muscle mass or from tissues of our various voluntary and involuntary body organs to normalize the condition. This will make us lose our lean muscle mass and we will suddenly drop out our weight unpleasantly and is also not good from our health point of view.

So we need to emphasize on intake of more than enough protein diet and supplements even we are  general people rather than a fitness pro to avoid the repercussions and look always good and keep oneself always in a healthy side. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Controlling Migraine

Migraine is a slow-affect of caused reflux of blood stream into brain due to heavy workload bringing up extravagant stress and tension to overall body muscles esp. brain muscles. When we give extra stress to muscles for high energy levels for extreme work need, the brain have to manage it anyways. So brain inevitably needs more blood from lower body to manage the extravagant stress and bring body to restoration. Actually brain needs more blood as a fuel to alarm other body parts not to go further and step out as consciously as possible preventing system deterioration. Brain is always controlling factor for whole body.

This intermittent reflux of blood steam above neck stresses out neck muscles. The lower body muscles get exhausted quickly due to lack of blood volume. Brain in other hand have to work out a lot and make more emphasis on other body parts. This puts direct pressure to brain and influential pressure to lower body tissues.

So, a sharp headache time-to-time is felt due to tensile pressure at neck muscles, brain muscles working unexpectedly more, and other body parts muscles and tissues getting exhausted unexpectedly quicker due to lack of energy due to decrease in blood volume.

This in long-run becomes a common problem when all the negative factors grow relatively, exponentially or cumulatively.

This brings up disorder called Migraine and the victim feels sharp headache in regular basis under unfavorable circumstances of body or work conditions.

Putting less pressure on brain and working in ones favor is one and only way to control Migraine. That means, if your body needs more rest we have to take it. If we need to lessen hours of work we have to do it. If we need to change our work due to unfavorable working conditions we have to do it.

Also, staying more with family, recreating each other, exercising regularly and having long sleep hours can be preventing ways to reduce it. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

‘Cholesterol is cumulative not exponential’

It should be well understood that cholesterol in general is not a single concept but capitalization of its association with its linked fats like lipids, triglycerides, and other body fats. We just think of cholesterol in general but don’t think about affects of lipids, triglycerides and other body fats in association. The hype in general cholesterol level is not only by having more body glycogen storage but high levels of LDLs, triglycerides, and other body fats in association.

So we should always try to cut-off triglycerides, LDLs and other body fats levels with cut-off of extra glycogen level when controlling cholesterol.

People just go on maintaining extra body fats level to control their high cholesterol level but don’t care about the associated affects of increasing lipids, triglycerides, and other body fats.

Thus, cholesterol level in general increases exponentially with cumulative increase in triglycerides, lipids and other body fats levels. So we have to find out ways and measures to stop this cumulatively increasing affect to stop increasing cholesterol level in general.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Diabetes becoming epidemic!

Over eaters and lazy people are bringing up diabetes into a level-epidemic. Trillions of people through out the word have medical diabetic conditions. Overeaters always have surplus blood sugar levels besides they take regular medicines and do regular exercise. 

People who are active in a sense but don’t do exercise also complain of not dropping their blood sugar levels even fasting sugary foods and supplements and up taking regular medicines. Generally, people cannot make-up their muscles and tissues to utilize extravagant sugar levels because they naturally get pushed to uptake more foods, and sugary foods and supplements due to loss of sugar levels by directly cutting-off of food and sugar rich foods and supplements and due to regular medicines consumption. 

Regular exercise also drops sugar levels to a great extent which again push them to uptake more food and sugar rich foods and supplements. Reciprocally, people with medical diabetic conditions become ‘Sugar Lovers’ unintentionally i.e. they become more fond of sugar rich foods and supplements after getting diabetic medical condition. 

This imposes a great challenge to whole medical fraternity as the patient’s condition get worse than improving. At last, insulin injection is only the way to go through rest of the life.

So always nurturing muscles and tissues to consume as much glucose as possible in ways shown up medically and self-conceptualizing ways to surpass from this inevitable flow of extra glucose to blood as direct blood sugar levels is a remedy.