Thursday, November 30, 2023

High volume single exercise hypertrophy!

Medium weight high volume exercise is meant for achieving more reps. If you perform multiple-facet of different exercises for same muscle group you get fatigued. Better doing same exercise for only five sets and trying best to achieve more reps. Trying perfecting your form, posture and technique is mandatory. This will enhance sarcoplasm in your muscle stream, enhance capillary development in muscles, enhance endurance or stamina, enhance strength, enhance hypertrophy and improve muscle definition. Just you need trying out a bit more intense workout. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Benefits of Meditation

Increase in concentration: Better neurotransmission and neuropsychology enhances concentration and coherency. 

Improvement in self-esteem and empathy: Self-actualization and self-visualization with changing conditions enhances self-esteem and empathy to nature and natural creations. 

Decrease in stress, anxiety and depression: Overall relaxation achieved through connecting muscles to mind or mindfulness helps out decreasing stress, anxiety and depression. 

Increase in control: Meditation brings control over impairments in joints and muscles and initiates a healing and recovery process. Enhances musculoskeletal balance, coordination and cooperation.

Overcoming bad habits: Regular meditation is a habit itself. It brings complete relaxation, contentment and focus on right things. Self-actualization and self-visualization through meditation enables to analyze pros and cons of each and every thing we do in our lives.

Managing medical conditions: As neurophysiology, neurotransmission, cellular metabolism, digestion, self-control and self-regulation is enhanced with meditation, all healing, recovery and remedy processes are accelerated which helps us in managing medical conditions. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

What is the main purpose of exercise therapy?

Encourage activity while reducing the effects of overactivity, resulting in increased neuromuscular functionality

Extend your normal range of motion by proper stretching and strengthening joints and tendons

Strengthen the weak muscles by enhancing neurophysiological activity and muscular hypertrophy

Enhance your performance in daily activities by increasing endurance/stamina, strength and power

Allow for interdependency by decreasing ambulation

Relax the tense muscles, tendons, and fascia by avoiding all soreness and stress and decreases disease ability

Increase your circulation of blood into muscles and joints through better heart conditioning and proper neuromuscular tension

Increase your respiratory capacity through enhancing aerobic capacity

Enhance your coordination through musculoskeletal coordination and cooperation

Reduce your rigidity by increasing musculoskeletal mobility, balance and muscular toning and conditioning

Improve your balance by improving body deformities and imbalances through proper exercise, nutrition and lifestyle management

Improvements in motor or sensory function through proper neurotransmission

Medication reduction, fewer hospital visits, and improved overall health through regular exercise, proper nutrition and better lifestyle management 



PERSONALIZED MEDICAL CARE: You can customize and optimize your need of rehabilitation for medical intervention 

IMPROVE YOUR MOBILITY: Enhances mechanical advantage of joints and muscles 

REDUCE PAIN & AVOID OPIOIDS: Liberates out soreness and stress from muscles and joints, makes you relaxed, improves neurological and neurophysiological efficiency, improves mind functioning and coherency, and makes you feel better and happy 

AVOID SURGERY: Prevents you from surgery by reducing physical limitations and improving your coordination, cooperation and balance  

RECOVER FROM STROKE: Improves heart conditioning and neurotransmission 

PREVENT & RECOVER FROM INJURIES: Strengthens joints and muscles and enhances endurance, coordination, cooperation and balance. Recovery will be faster due to improved neurotransmission 


FALLS: Improves physical limitations and mobility challenges through enhanced balance, coordination and cooperation, and thus reduces risks of falls 


ISSUES: Regular physical therapy is very helpful with growing age as it ensures proper health, well being and longevity through curing physical impairments and improving limitations and decreasing disease ability 


CHRONIC CONDITIONS: It helps stabilize your  neuromuscular health through proper proprioception

TREAT WOMEN'S HEALTH ISSUES: Women’s get obese and obsolete with growing age so can get greater benefits with regular physical therapy. Their prenatal and postnatal health and overall health is affirmatively impacted by regular physical therapy

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Should I do a bit heavy weight training or keep it a bit low?

Heavy weight training definition is - When you make extra effort to pull or push a bit more weights. This means, not only your muscles or muscles tendons will make extra effort but your ligaments and joints will also make extra effort to compensate extra torque provided through extra load or weight. As I have experienced, when you work out with medium weight your form and posture is not compromised and you don’t exaggerate. This will keep liable tension to your muscles and muscles groups even on joints. In contrary, when you make extra effort to push or pull more weights your respective bones attached to respective muscles will be pulled or pushed outside their limit. Every time you push or pull heavy weight, due to extra tension gaps between different joints is increased. This may cause ligaments tare over time and you may have different complications related to bones and joints like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, joint pain, joint swelling, joint bending or curvature, limbs or joints dislocation and many more. 

So, it’s wise to keep your weight medium not low so that we can grow exponentially. But always performing heavy weight training may bring a lots of physical and mental complications, impairments and challenges with growing age. It’s not good always performing heavy weight training for your permanent health, fitness, wealth, wellbeing and longevity. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Adaptive Fitness

Adaptive fitness is a type of workout tailored to meet an individual’s impaired needs. It’s also known as individualized training. The idea behind adaptive fitness workouts is simple: they’re designed specifically for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses who want to improve their overall health while exercising regularly. As such, these are workouts for people who need to be more careful about their health and workout but still want to get active and healthy.

The fundamental premise of adaptive fitness workouts is rooted in the idea of fostering overall health improvement while recognizing the specific challenges and requirements of the participants. By tailoring exercise routines to individual needs, adaptive athletes can engage in physical activities that contribute to their well-being, irrespective of their health and fitness circumstances. These workouts serve as a pathway for individuals who need to approach fitness with a greater degree of caution due to health and fitness concerns, enabling them to embark on a journey toward enhanced physical vitality and longevity.

In essence, adaptive fitness goes beyond traditional one-size-fits-all approaches, acknowledging the unique requirements of each participant. It is a testament to the belief that everyone, regardless of their physical and mental abilities, should have access to health and fitness programs that promote health, strength, and well-being. By embracing the adaptive fitness program, we embrace a more inclusive vision of fitness that empowers individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals in a way that suits their specific needs and abilities.

Adaptive fitness training: Benefits 

Increases Quality of Life 

Increases Socialization 

Increases flexibility and zeal

Increases musculoskeletal strength and fitness

Increases Endurance 

Increases Functionality 

Enhances relationships 

Ensures longevity 

Improves sleep

Improves nutrition 

Improves learning or coherence 

Enhances enthusiasm, will and confidence 

Increases positivity

Enhances mental and emotional health 


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Cognition and Meditation

Cognition is all we think and analyze inside our brain while meditation is every thinking we bring outside to relate to environmental aspects or conditions you have seen and realized, and acknowledge them fully to yourself. So meditation starts from stimuli, then cognition happens, then you acknowledge what’s good and what’s bad for you and others and keep the information inner to your soul. Meditation is a state of peacefulness that restricts behaviors. Cognition helps to analyze what we realize through our sense organs and relate it to what we have seen and realized outside in the environment. Cognition more helps you in analyzing yourself while meditation helps you out in total relaxation of your body and mind moreover your soul. Cognition is an array of think chain while meditation is something opposite as its gives up your all thinking and creates a peaceful vacancy inside your body, mind, and fulfills your soul. Meditation is a recommendation to put information from your senses what has been seen and realized inside your body and mind up to your soul to make you very knowledgeable while cognition is a recommendation of you have to show-off right behaviors to changing conditions to come to a right conclusion, and meet your needs and expectations. So, meditation is more an internal or a deeper process, and, a two way and eternal process while cognition is more a mental process. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

Mindfulness is cognitive not behavioral!

Mindfulness is an array of thought and analytical processes going through out the conscious mind. Mindfulness is atypically suppressing unconscious mind and elaborating and sculpting your conscious mind. It’s a trans-attribution of inputs you put in your mind continuously and ingeniously to come to a right conclusion or decision. When you are okay with your mindfulness and get what to be emerged outside as an extract or abstract in form of ideas or method, it’s been reflected outside as specific behaviors. Behaviors are more stimuli of what’s going on inside. As such, mindfulness is the mirror where we can see reflection of behaviors. Mindfulness is purely from inside but behaviors are also affected by environmental conditions. Proper mindfulness reflects acceptable and accountable behaviors. Mindfulness is a genuinely achieved mental phenomenon  which is consistent with time and is not time relative while behaviors are more time evident and dependent on what has emerged outside from mental processes to meet the needs and demand of achieving your goal or purpose. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Mindfulness is good for our heart

Mindfulness technically means connecting your body to your mind. Scientifically, it’s neurotransmission of what you instinctively think and what inputs your body gets to transform its into pure intelligence to fulfill your needs or purpose. Mindfulness is not intentional or time relative but it’s an ingenuity that makes a person different from others. Mindfulness increases immunity and enhances cellular metabolism. Mindfulness reflects homeostasis. Thus, when your organs and organs systems or, your body, mind and emotions are well-balanced, you are far away from physical and mental complications. Mindfulness makes you free from distractions, disorders, and diseases. As heart is the most vital organ for supply chain of body, it will remain well-conditioned with mindfulness. Thus, mindfulness is good for your heart. It has been noted that mindful person are far away from heart diseases even from heart attack. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)

 Core Assumptions and Statements: -

SCT explains how we acquire some of our behaviors, how we maintain them and what we can do to make lasting behavioral changes. It looks at environmental factors such as our physical environment, which could include access to certain foods, size of a room, access to physical tools that help us maintain health. It also looks at our social environment such as our friends and family and the impact their opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles have on us.

1. People learn from observing others. This means that a person can change and learn new behaviors by simply observing a role model. A model is a person that demonstrates a behavior.

2. Learning is an internal process. This means that although a person may observe a new behavior, they do not immediately repeat the behavior. It is first processed internally, and then observed behavior can lead the person to a new behavior or they can choose not to engage in the new behavior. The fact that we learn from others could be called observational learning, however the point to understand here is that the change in behavior does not occur simply from watching others’ behavior, it comes from the cognitive process that happens after the observation.

3. What determines whether a person implements what they’ve observed and processed is whether the behavior is positively reinforced. The first 3 assumptions fit together like this. First, a person observes a behavior, then they process what they’ve learned, and finally they observe if this behavior is reinforced socially. As you can see, there is both a social and a cognitive aspect to whether the person will implement the change.

4. We also choose behaviors based on our goals that we set for ourselves. That is why its important to be intentional with our goals and to understand our true motivations and driving forces.

5. We learn our behaviors from our exposure to feedback from our environment. Once we implement the new behavior, our actions will be reinforced, or punished, by others. Our behavior one way or another will have a consequence. Both the actual reaction from others and the expected consequences of the action play a big factor in our behavior, and specifically whether we continue a new learned behavior. Because of this social feedback, our behavior can change depending who we are with or what environment we are in.

6. Our behaviors that we learn from others eventually become self-regulated. Once we have been reinforced enough from our environment, we will continue to reinforce our behavior to ourselves, without the need for continuous external feedback affirming the behavior. At this point, we will have learned the behavior and it has become unconscious or automatic.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Spiritual Wellness!

 When we strengthen our spiritual wellness, we:

  • Strengthen our relationships with others around us: Every person is spiritual and spirituality connects everyone intimately. The religious faith and spiritual dimensions is similar to everyone and when we strengthen our spirituality we feel well together. 
  • Breathe positivity into the spaces we occupy: Positivity is a best asset you can transfer to everyone. It releases negativity and make you feel stronger. Positivity is a fundamental for collaboration, cooperation and coordination. 
  • Impact our lives in a way that supports our life purpose and values: Spiritual wellness assures value and purpose to your life. It actually gives meaning to your life with a definite aim. You will never stagger from your line of control and you always feel supportive.
  • Peace and mindfulness as we connect with others: Spirituality gives immense mental peace and attributes to your life. Spiritual exercise always scientifically help you to do everything mindfully and connect to others genuinely. 
  • Are more likely to practice self-compassion, confidence, and resilience: When you regularly exercise spirituality for your overall wellbeing, you will be stronger physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When all these parameters work well together, you will feel deeper compassion, high self-confidence and resilience in your life. 
  • Are accountable and responsible for our own actions: When you exercise spirituality regularly, we will get pros and cons in your life that makes you accountable whatever should be done and whatever should not be throughout your life. This will make you responsible for your actions as you can then do risks assessments to render unexpected things or consequences to happen in your life. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Myths after 50!

  1. Don’t do heavy weight training: After 50, moderate weight mindful training is a must. Connecting muscles and mind, consistency, constant rhythm, full ROM, tempo; proper form and posture, and proper respiration are features we should always keep in mind.
  2. Do more Cardio than Strength Training: Doing more cardio after 50 will make you lose your lean muscle mass. It may make you lethargic and weak. Decreasing weight or strength training will again make you lose your lean muscle mass when you are in strict diet regimen. 
  3. You can lose weight with weight training: After 50, losing weight with weight training means either you are doing high intensity training or high volume training. But, the affect may reverse, that means, instead of losing you can gain muscle mass if you are eating and sleeping well. 
  4. Strength training will decrease your flexibility: Strength training after 50 will decrease your flexibility if you are doing heavy weight training and have gained weight. Nutrition regimen is most important as you should have to take more lean proteins, reduce carbs and take prominent amount of fats. 
  5. Strength training will destroy your joints: Again, if you are doing very heavy weight training after 50 and exaggerating, you may have bad impacts on your joints as joints will move unevenly. 
  6. Strength training will increase your blood pressure: The vital concern is how much strength training or which intensity of weight training is needed so that your blood pressure will not increase during strength training after 50, not that strength training normally will increase blood pressure after 50. Personal Trainer will workout on how much and which intensity of strength training you actually need as per your medical history and demography. If you be in limitation of extent you need you will not worsen your blood pressure. 
  7. Perform light weight and high reps: Performing light weight and high reps after 50 will lose your fat reserves and then lose your lean muscle mass. Your joints will also be in risk. Rather you have to perform prominent amount of strength training with a prominent weight. 
  8. Eat more proteins: Eating more proteins is a good idea after 50 but if you extremely uptake proteins you may have GI issues and you may put your organs and organs systems into more pressure. 
  9. Do more body weight exercises: Body weight exercises after 50, I think, is not a good idea cause most of them are compound exercise and thus your muscles and joints are in more pressure in comparison of performing prominent weight training. Thus, you may lose lean muscle mass; have cramps, sprains, strains and injuries. 
  10. It’s too late!  No, it’s not true that after 50 it’s too late. Reality is opposite as we need more proper and prominent amount of exercise, nutrition and lifestyle management after 50. It’s a great idea for your longevity, health, fitness, personality, functionality, better life and well-being. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Myth about heavyweight training

Doing a heavy weight training or not always has been a myth. With progressive overload, increase in power is exponential and a time comes when respective heavy weight training seems as convenient as performing respective light weight training. The thing that really matters is, when you haphazardly perform heavy weight training and exaggerate. Your musculoskeletal system is unnecessarily pulled/pushed outside their limits while performing heavy weight training which can be fatal. Also, your form, posture, balance; and coordination and cooperation between muscles and skeletal systems is compromised if your effort level is higher than your natural limit. This may bring injury, sprain, strain, cramps and lots of complications to your body. So, always trying progressive overload when your body is naturally allowing you is beneficial as it brings more power to your musculoskeletal system and overall strength to your body. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Exercise, Soreness and Disease ability!

I must tell, unit of any disease is muscles soreness we get from stress from our daily hardcore activity. Most of muscles in different muscles groups get soared and affected adversely unknowingly and unwillingly with soreness. As soreness increases and surpasses in depth inside our body, our muscles cells encounter inflammation. This inflammation when reached to a high level results in various disorders and discomforts in our organs and organs systems which ultimately results in organ failure or their disease ability. So, when we exercise properly and regularly, our whole body is relaxed and thus muscles soreness is passed out or rendered ineffective. When there is no soreness means there is no inflammation. No inflammation means there is no disorder and discomfort. And when there is no disorder and discomfort there will be no disease or organ failure.

Upper Chest and Anterior Deltoids Combo Exercise

This is a very effective exercise for stretching out and developing upper chest and anterior deltoids muscles and defining line of separation between deltoids and chest. Should be done mindfully. Equipment best to use is a hand bar. You have to maintain a very upright position with very tight core. Bar should be handled in supinate position. Hands on either sides in resting position should be raised fully up squeezing upper chest muscles and giving lots of tension to anterior deltoids. Never compromise your form and posture. Maintain your form and posture till the end. Never exaggerate. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. Respire fully in each rep.

Cable Pulley Bent Over Row

This exercise is a better version of dumbbell and barbell Bent Over Row exercise. The reason is your performance will be very smooth and seamless. You feel better stretch and activation on your back muscles esp. on lats within few reps and with lower load. Better posture enhances your performance with heavier load. It stimulates muscles and helps in growth, development and better definition of back and core muscles. Equipment is rope and cable pulley machine. First, grab attached rope in a way you already maintain a fixed streamlined posture. You have to grab at middle portion of rope not on bottom for better ROM. Gently pull the rope to your naval. Feel full activation and slowly release fully till the end ensuring maximum stretch. Core should be tightened till the end. Never compromise your posture and form. Your form should be equivalent till the end. Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. Never exaggerate. Respire fully in each Rep. It can be done effectively with moderate weight.

Smith Machine Single Hand Row

This is a very effective and an efficient exercise to activate your half-and-half/side-to-side overall back muscles. It targets upper back, middle back, lower back and core muscles. Since we use Smith Machine to perform this exercise, your performance is seamless, easy and smooth. It helps in defining and building your overall back muscles. Since we are using smith machine, changes of mistakes and pitfalls is negligible. It’s safe even you use heavy load. Cause you can use heavy weight with full safety, overall back muscles hypertrophy will be maximum. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. Maintain right posture and form. Do it mindfully. Your posture should be your upper body to core almost 45 degrees to the ground and your knees aligned back and forth prominently bent and supporting the whole body. Use one hand for one side activation each. Try to pull more reps. with right posture and form. Respire fully in each rep.

Cable Pulley Rope Lying Supine Pull Overs

This exercise is a more coordinated and balanced way of doing pull over exercise ensuring more isolation and definition on pectoral, lats and back muscles. Equipment used is cable pulley machine and rope. The modality of exercise is same as dumbbell pull over exercise. Just rope is used for resistance through cable pulley machine in place of dumbbell. It’s pretty effective than dumbbell pull over cause there is no mistake and pitfalls while performing this exercise. It’s more safe. You can feel full stretching, activation and isolation in your chest and back muscles after performing 10-12 reps. You can use heavier load as well for maximum hypertrophy. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. Never compromise your posture and form. Never exaggerate. Maintain your form and posture till the end. Respire fully in each rep.

Cable Pulley Rope Lying Supine Single Hand Triceps Tuck Press

This is an innovative exercise for triceps muscles hypertrophy. While performing this exercise you can feel your muscles are activating and isolating. Try to do more repetitions. Equipment used is a cable pulley machine and a rope. It provides maximum resistance. Its modality is similar to triceps bench lying single hand tate press. Perform 3-4 sets with 15-20 reps. Maintain your posture and form and tighten your core. Do it mindfully. Don’t exaggerate. Respire fully in each rep.

Leg Press Machine Triceps Push

This is most innovative exercise for triceps muscles hypertrophy. While performing this exercise you can feel your muscles are activating and isolating. Try to do more repetitions. Equipment used is a leg press machine. It provides maximum resistance. Its modality is similar to triceps dips machine. You push your hands with resistance provided by leg press machine keeping your hands instead of legs. You can use leg press machine for this if you don’t have triceps dips machine. Perform 3-4 sets with 15-20 reps. Maintain your posture and form and tighten your core. Do it mindfully. Don’t exaggerate. Respire fully in each rep.

Wide-Leg Standing Pull Through Exercise comes up with great benefits!

Right way of doing Wide-Leg Standing Pull Through exercise brings a lots of associated benefits. It is a compound exercise which activates your hamstrings, strengthens core, strengthens hip flexor muscles and associated glute muscles; works on abdominal muscles, lower back muscles, shoulder, quads, etc. You will feel pretty relaxed doing this exercise cause, in a sense, you stretch your whole body basically, core. If you do it daily for sometime you will fill more agile and more active throughout the day. It’s modality is similar to dumbbell swing exercise with legs kept wide enough and dumbbell is pulled inside beyond feet for maximum lower body stimulation/activation and then raised up front for maximum upper body stimulation/activation. Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Always maintain right posture and form. Equipment used is a cable pulley machine and a rope instead of a dumbbell. It’s much effective and efficient than dumbbell swing exercise as it provides better resistance and coordination. There is negligible chance of mistake and pitfalls. Right posture and form is a must. Never compromise your posture and form. Maintain posture and form till the end. Always keep your core tight. Never exaggerate. Respire fully in each rep.

Innovative way of doing dumbbell forearms rolling exercise

This is an innovative, convenient and most effective way of doing rolling exercise for forearms overall muscles activation. The modality is to rest your elbow on one of your thighs in sitting position, hanging your hand up and rolling your wrist up and down very gently consistently and in a rhythm using a dumbbell for overall forearms muscles activation.  Use a medium size dumbbell. Do it mindfully connecting your muscles and mind. Don’t exaggerate. Try to pull more reps. Maintain your balance, posture and form till the end. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Respite fully in each rep. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Innovative way of doing overhead shoulder press

Using a single big dumbbell rather than using alternate hands medium dumbbells for working out anterior deltoids is a pretty effective and an innovative way. Using a single dumbbell and hands been pretty close to each other, we put more tension, tightness and strength to target muscles. This exercise should be done pretty mindfully and in a constant rhythm. The modality is same as doing overhead dumbbells press. Only difference is we have to compromise ROM going down and up. That means, we don’t have to claim full/100% ROM but almost 75% ROM. If done with full ROM, it may put unnecessary pressure musculoskeletally. So, is not so safe to perform. Muscles mind connection and consistency is a must. Don’t exaggerate. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps. Don’t compromise and maintain right posture and form till the end. Respire fully in each rep. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Doing woodchopping kneeling down!

Doing woodchopping kneeling down is a more effective way of performing it and in a more safe way. There is always a chance of lower back injury if we do heavy load woodchopping in a standing position. Doing it with a low load mindfully kneeling down in constant rhythm and consistently is a best way of sharpening your oblique muscles. It’s a best exercise to cut your love handles,  and define and develop your obliques muscles. Muscles mind connection is a must. Don’t exaggerate. Try to pull more reps. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Right posture and form is mandatory. Don’t compromise and maintain your posture and form till the end. We are using cable pulley machine for woodchopping. Respire fully in each rep. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Right way of doing Dumbbell Fly!

Not bending your elbows much and going inner in depth while isometric movement in dumbbell flying ensures more stretching of your pectoral muscles, and proper pectoral muscles fibers development. Dumbbell fly is an isometric isolation movement. Flaring your hands close to each other during isometric movement will help you in muscular hypertrophy but development of inner and outer pectoral muscles fibers is only possible when you flare your hands with prominent distance in between and trying to stretch your muscles more, and going more deeper or down. Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. Never compromise your posture and form. Maintain your posture and form till the end. Never exaggerate. Respire fully in each rep. 

Fitness after 50!

Rethink your program of your exercise, nutrition and lifestyle management every time 

It’s better if you take group fitness classes 

Eat more protein 

Regularly assess your physical, mental and emotional health with your doctor 

Establish and keep track records of everything you do 

Cut your sodium, sugar, oil, spices and taste bwoosters, and condiments intake 

Have a 10-12 minutes warm up session before weight training and a 5-7 minutes of cool down exercises before following up 

Don’t limit yourself in cardio, better engage yourself in proper weight training 

Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water 

During weight training always focus on form and posture, not emphasize more weight lifting 

Don’t push up yourself too hard! 

Don’t be afraid of making immediate needed changes 


Walk every day gently as much as you can 

Connect with nature! 

Allow time for recovery and give yourself best sleep as possible! 

Better workout and get inputs from a personal trainer! 

Use all supplements that is needed! 

Stop or limit your alcohol intake and smoking! 

Core exercises is must! 

Focus and mind minute things! 

Don’t be afraid of asking questions and concerns!