Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Benefits of Meditation

Increase in concentration: Better neurotransmission and neuropsychology enhances concentration and coherency. 

Improvement in self-esteem and empathy: Self-actualization and self-visualization with changing conditions enhances self-esteem and empathy to nature and natural creations. 

Decrease in stress, anxiety and depression: Overall relaxation achieved through connecting muscles to mind or mindfulness helps out decreasing stress, anxiety and depression. 

Increase in control: Meditation brings control over impairments in joints and muscles and initiates a healing and recovery process. Enhances musculoskeletal balance, coordination and cooperation.

Overcoming bad habits: Regular meditation is a habit itself. It brings complete relaxation, contentment and focus on right things. Self-actualization and self-visualization through meditation enables to analyze pros and cons of each and every thing we do in our lives.

Managing medical conditions: As neurophysiology, neurotransmission, cellular metabolism, digestion, self-control and self-regulation is enhanced with meditation, all healing, recovery and remedy processes are accelerated which helps us in managing medical conditions. 

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