Damage of articular cartilages with other adverse affects may cause breaking and scattering of joint(s) causing permanent disability.
Degeneration in General is degradation and gradual deterioration of specific bone and muscles tissues due to fault, fracture, injury or disorder in a specified area(s) of body due to progressive overload, aging, unbalanced life style, inheritance, physical deformities, lack of nutrients or weakness in some part of body.
Symptoms of autoimmune disease are:
- Fatigueness,
- Joint degeneration,
- Skin diseases,
- Abdominal depression,
- Inflammation,
- Thyroids,
- Erectile dysfunction,
- Addictism,
- Loss in appetite,
- Depression, and
- Loss in stimuli
Autoimmune is directly related to:
- Inheritance: Disorders carried from ancestors to parents and parents to children through genetics of medical history, medications and diseases. It is a primary cause of autoimmune.
- Obesity: Overweight and obesity raises risks of metabolic disorders and diseases due to low activity and sedentary life style. More weight puts more stress on joints, and fat tissues and muscles cells misappropriation or BMI deregulation brings metabolic diseases.
- Addictism: Smoking, alcohol, marijuana and weeds accumulate to a number of autoimmune diseases as immune codons get mutation and neurotransmission is adversely affected.
- Medications: Medications, antibiotics and especially, steroids trigger drug-induced physical, mental and emotional complications like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, osteoarthritis and muscle weakness. Medications and regular visit to your doctor makes you emotionally weak leading to anxiety and depression.
Osteoarthritic Degeneration is an immunological insurgence to a particular fault, fracture, injury, disease, lack or weakness in a body for homeostasis which is felt as an abrupt stimulus or pain”. Chondrocytes, the cells forming matrix of articular cartilages and being embedded in it, are forced to move and be collected into the subchondral bone due to fault or facture or injury. This escalates chondrocytes senescence and its proliferation protrudes as an attached bone to the subchondral bone filling the inter-space between two bones. This triggers friction between two bones cause there is lack of chondrocytes due to insurgence and articular cartilage get deteriorated. In a similar way, synovial fluid is also forced to be collected intro the subchondral region and lack of synovial fluid due to insurgence triggers friction between two bones. Also, bone cells collected as bone spur called osteophytes form around affected area(s) and trigger stiffness, inflammation and causes bone remodeling. The inflammation of synovial membrane is called synovitis. A change in peripheral tissues due to muscular-skeletal disorder associated with osteoarthritis is called synovial hyperplasia or synovial hypertrophy.
Degeneration is caused due to fault or facture in a specified area(s) in body which escalates immunological impulses or Degenerative Sequences in General. The amminoacid(s) chain is coded by more than one codon for needed homeostasis. There is only one codon of amminoacid(s) normally.
This escalated immunological response is felt as a sharp and indefinable pain which is obvious sign of osteoarthritis. The mechanism of degeneration is development and decoding of long strands of degenerative immunological impulses due to addition of extra codons in amminooacid(s) chains for needed homeostasis. These amminoacid(s) chains are longer than normal resulting in escalated immunological impulses or Osteoarthritic Degenerative Sequences.
Homeostasis is an autoimmune regulation proportional to level of restoration needed. It maintains total body fluids, hormones, enzymes and other essential elements content and retention. Homeostasis maintains deficit and surplus created inside body. It is a balance or homogeneous state after osmosis or a balance or homogeneous state after reverse-osmosis in particular cases. Homeostasis is an optimization, balance and control of total body fluids, hormones, enzymes and other essential elements. Homeostasis creates alarm for adverse effects and response for affirmative effects. “Homeostasis is a phenomena - it is autonomous and doesn’t needs direct assistance.”
Homeostasis is regulation of autonomous nervous system for changes in tissues and organs.
(Autonomy - Homeostasis - Chances of Adherence - Influential Changes)
Regenerative Homeostasis Autonomy is restored and transferred to CNS and higher levels to disrupt osteoarthritis autonomy. Normally, Osteoarthritis Autonomy is equivalent to Osteoarthritis Homeostasis.
Due to meniscal degeneration, osteochondral degeneration, synovialarticular degeneration, articular cartilage degeneration, inflammatory changes, changes in peripheral tissues, formation of osteophytes, and bone remodeling; Biomarker of ECM homeostasis is underestimated.
Through modular changes in exercise, nutrition and life style, and most effective treatment plans, the biomarker can be changed to restore osteoarthritic homeostasis. This is called Homeostasis of Osteoarthritic Degeneration.
Reactivation of neurotransmitters through muscle mind connection and proper nutrition hypes autonomous homeostasis to central nervous system or ever higher levels which is more profound to fight with changes in body. Regeneration is a reflex process of degeneration. Rejuvenation through muscular hypertrophy, healing and repairing will stop additional coding of amminoacid(s). This will stop degenerative sequences thus will stop inflammation and risks of osteoarthritis. “Muscular hypertrophy repairs as well as rejuvenates degenerative cells through putting on pure and healthy muscle cells through growth and development”.
Modular Resuscitation aims restoring and sustaining life from degenerative osteoarthritis through modular changes in exercise, nutrition and life style. Aim is to induce extracellular matrix biomarker through proper monitoring and modular resuscitation. Biomarker is a measurable autonomy of extent of extracellular matrix in a normal body or extent of extracellular matrix in an osteoarthritic body which is reflected by pertinent level of homeostasis.
Regeneration is needed for:
Regenerating deteriorated articular cartilages,
Disposal of osteophytes,
Reforming deformities or restoring bone remodeling,
Reversing changes in peripheral tissues,
Controlling inflammation, and
Retarding chondrocytes senescence or proliferation and replacing senescenced or proliferated cells
Until and unless osteoarthritic homeostasis is not normalized, so called autonomy is maintained. Diabetes Homeostasis can be normalized through modular resuscitation. Influential changes and chances of adherences disrupt so called autonomy and normalize metabolism and homeostasis.
With perspective changes in modules, it is recommended that we have to define time of change, improvements needed and perceived, inherited instinctive approaches for change or development and precautionary measures to run the process up to needed end-results.
The perspective change in modules is targeted to initiate so called regenerative process.
Blasts workouts are exercise sessions in total of around one hour straight. Blasts workouts are supersets of circuit exercises for proper hypertrophy. Circuit exercises with nominal rest periods between supersets means having nominal rest periods between sets of workouts to enhance extra intensity, strength, endurance and functionality to fight with repercussions of degeneration which is highly recommended. Three days straight exercise is for proper muscular hypertrophy and only two minutes provided for each exercise is for people who inevitably need rest periods between sets so that hypertrophy can be maintained. Blast workouts here mean supersets of different exercises for same muscles and muscles groups or for different muscles and muscles groups. Very less rest periods is highly recommended to disrupt degeneration sequences for serotonin and encapsulation of affected area(s).Emphasizing on right posture, technique, load and range of motion is a must.
“Right repetitions than progressive overload with time” is a mantra for strength training for people having degenerative issues. 10-12 repetitions with moderate load should not be compromised at beginning phase of this program. High repetitions with lower load can worsen the condition.
Avoid cardiovascular and aerobic exercises not to lose lean muscles mass, and avoid balneotherapy.
Incorporating resistance exercises only in long run to provide extra tension, nutrition and biomechanics for degenerative restoration is a must.
As when we perform full body toning and strengthening exercises with most of the exercises more emphasizing on muscles and mind connection, we can tailgate impulses of degenerative sequences for more understanding of its integrity and how well we can set protocols or modules for controlling the repercussions.
With degeneration, workouts that give extra load to body and body parts, and that strain brain are not recommended because it will worsen the condition. OR using an exercise plan or module that better fits with brain health and well-being is highly recommended.
Activation exercises should be incorporated to involve multiple muscles at one time that multiply strength relatively.
Variations in exercises, nutrition and nutritional habits, and life style changes will change algorithm of projected modules.
Circuit and Compound exercises should be avoided. Body weight exercises will help in strength building.
Muscle(s) and mind connection: Visualizing and targeting muscles by reconnecting brain with momentum of exercise performance so that neurotransmitters get reactivated and hypertrophic responses can be realized.
Running, sprinting, jumping, over passing, highly-intensive exercises, and hyper-movement exercises to be avoided.
Full ROM during exercise performance recommended for Osteoarthritis. Full ROM enhances full extension and stretching through full concentric and eccentric movements.
Stretching, Mobility, Flexibility and Straitening exercises should be incorporated to prevent from potential locking and interlocking of joints.
Gentle warm-up exercises relax muscles and provide preparedness for weight and resistant training.
Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is a must.
Full body myofascial releases is needed for relaxation and mood change. Foam Roller is great equipment for this.
Resistance exercises help in release of serotonin and other associated hormones, enzymes, fluids and essential elements.
Red meat escalates degeneration sequences. Milk and Dairy products may have healing effect.
Those struggling with protein intake can intake egg whites in a bulk.
Olive oil, avocado and peanut butter work best during degeneration.
Oats is best option as a complex carbohydrate.
Metabolism boosting foods, anti-inflammatory foods, strength boosting foods, hypertrophy enhancing foods, foods helping in injuries, foods helping in restoring deformities, foods helping in releasing fatiqueness, foods helping in healing and rejuvenation, gut friendly foods, foods helping in neurotransmission, foods rich in fluids, antioxidants rich foods; endurance, mobility and work enhancing foods are highly recommended.
Experimenting in meal plan and keeping track record of mood change related to foods and feeding habits is a good practice.
Guidelines should be set for what should be eaten and what should not be eaten.
Paying attention to when and how to eat rather than how much to eat is necessary.
High blood sugar levels aids osteoarthritis.
Skipping meal can be dangerous.
Whey Protein: Isopure Dutch Chocolate brand has plenty of micronutrients, minerals and essential elements;
Fish Oil: Nature’s Bounty;
Multivitamin: Kirkland Daily Multi;
BCAA: Best BCAA Shredded bpi sports;
Creatine: Best Creatine bpi sports; and
Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate: Vitamin Shoppe
· Garlic and ginger are retro-active to degeneration,
· Brown rice is better than parboil rice,
· Adding one more spoon of olive oil will be beneficial for lubrication of joints,
· Almond milk better than skimmed milk,
· Onion aids in immune management,
· Red meat be avoided,
· Add yogurt in diet,
· Reduce tomato intake,
· Reduce red chili intake,
· Add turmeric and cinnamon in diet,
· Reduce beans, peas and chick peas in diet,
· Add berries in diet,
· Avoid junk, grilled, fried and roasted foods,
· Cut sodium intake,
· Avoid fasting as it will boost degeneration,
· Avoid intake of lots of pasta,
· Avoid intake of caffeine and soda,
· Avoid intake of donuts and high sugar containing pastries and delicacies,
· Reduce alcohol and beverages,
· Avoid dressings and mayonnaise. Use olive oil instead;
· Banana is a good source of serotonin;
· Avoid pickles; and
· Avoid much spices and condiments
Minimum eight hours sleep in a day is a must for regeneration. Those who take enough sleep at one time in a day should compensate cannot sleep anytime they get leisure time for sleep. Sleep may be more than one time in a day. Sleep can be resumed in different slots in off days or holidays.
Over-engagement at home in normal days or off days will escalate degeneration. Being cozy at home worsens the condition. Recreating with kids, cooking delicacies you like, cluttering, going parks and outdoors with family, going for cinema, going for groceries, going out for food in restaurants, outdoor entertainment, light gardening, etc. can be a great idea to think on other side of osteoarthritic degeneration.
Conservative way of exercising, cooking and eating, sleeping, and conservative life style should be self-programmed with instinctive approaches and modular changes. Multivitamins will compensate any lack of vitamins during degeneration. Active engagement means recreating while engagement. Over-engagement increases stress levels. Monitoring sleep, returning to normal life, monitoring changes of weather, and monitoring occupational risks are matters of concern.
Upper, middle and lower body parts and muscle(s) and muscles group(s) are connected and in relationships.
Life style module brings:
Relationships Mgmt.,
Work-Life Mgmt.,
Well-Being Mgmt.,
Stress Mgmt.,
Sleep Mgmt.,
Recreation Mgmt.,
Sexual Mgmt.,
Event Mgmt., and
Tours and Outdoors Mgmt.
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