It’s been proven and clear that one pound of muscle mass is equal to one pound of muscle mass for each and every individual. Likewise, how much carbs reserve an individual has depends upon his timely need. This need depends upon individual’s genetics and acquisitions throughout his/her life. Good genetics is a gift which already provides you with more physical, mental and emotional strength by birth. That means, his/her metabolism and other intrinsic processes are strong enough to convert nominal food supply into plentiful energy and vice-versa. Another factor is, all types of belongings an individual can achieve in his/her life by his/her own efforts physically, mentally and spiritually is different from person to person. So, it’s experiential that how much carbs an individual needs anytime depends upon his/her strengths and weaknesses. Fats on the other hand are more realization. When we are in need of extravagant energy our fats reserves is been used for continuous energy supply. So, when your fats reserves are in merge of finish our body gets alarms like being lethargic, weak, dizzy, confused and drowsy. We are hampered more mentally than physically and the impacts are profound.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
What is actually a Heavy Duty Training and a HIIT Training ? Why HIIT not HIT ?
Heavy Duty Training is a heavy weight or load training with maximum 10 reps and minimum 6 reps to impose extra torque to muscles. HIIT is a bit different. Actually it happens when you push yourself beyond heavy duty training, that means, above 10 reps to fatigue for maximum effect. It means you have to put more ‘effort’ in terms of putting more ‘speed’ and ‘vigor’ to your workout performance. Effort here doesn’t holds general meaning nor it means you have to ‘intensity’ your effort haphazardly to endure more reps. Intensity here means intensifying your speed and vigor which needs extra effort and thus endures ‘high reps’ automation.
HIIT is been often misunderstood with HIT. The difference with letter ‘I’ suggests ‘rest intervals’ are necessary for enough oxygen compensation and energy for further workout. HIT by that meaning will impose you to more lethargic side and may pack a lot of health complications and weaknesses with time even in clusters. So, HIIT with rest periods or intervals between sets is a better idea of generating more speed and vigor to your exercise thus intensifying your workout performance and endure high reps automation.
Monday, August 28, 2023
Weight Training literally as - “massaging and not giving off till the end.”
Weight training irrespective of load should be done pleasantly and nicely to realize you are massaging your whole body and maintaining your constant rhythm, consistency and tempo till the end to maintain as much reps as possible. Heavy duty HIIIT protocol is a bit different as it says to put on more effort and intensity to your workout to pull and push more reps as possible irrespective of how unpleasant it looks and even it may be okay if you can achieve only 80% perfection on your performance. Even exaggeration for more effort and imbalance in performance for more reps at last until fatigue is liable.
But the science is a bit different than how much and how intense you can do, not only how well you can do, it’s more how well and how much your body allows you to uptake and incorporate inputs from your exercise regimen, nutritional regimen and lifestyle management.
Doing exercise slowly with full control, consistency, constant rhythm, right tempo, full ROM, right technique, right posture, full consciousness, full muscle mind connection and right respiration is a must.
Weight, time of exercise, programming or structure of exercise, scheduling of exercise, equipments used, and even progressive load is an arbitrary.
Exercise should be performed in such a way that it seems your great enjoyment, it seems you always await for it, it seems you want to please your muscles, bones and your whole body. It should be like you are massaging your body for a great virtue of life changing activity and ensuring your wellbeing and better life in future. It should be taken as a life style or natural daily habit that brings meaning to you and your life. It should be felt as a way of improving you and your life and receiving all ecstasy of nature, happiness and peacefulness thought your life as it ensures longevity. It should not be taken as a work or job you should put extra effort to get extravagant things or possessions in your life. It is just a right pavement or direction to do always good things and never do bad things throughout your life.
In a conclusion, if you perform exercise passionately not purposefully and always try to achieve your milestone to best of your ability and consciousness you will certainly achieve your goals in stipulated time frame.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Why diabetics lose weight abruptly? And how can we overcome it?
Diabetics cut-off carbohydrates to a large extent. It’s liable. But as diabetics are always in low energy mode due to minimal carbohydrates reserves and cause they effort physically more to overcome diabetes with strict diet they slowly start losing their fat reserves. After depletion of carbohydrates reserves their body will also lose carbohydrates in form of glycogen storage from their muscles mass. And after cut-off of fats reserves they will start losing fats content from muscles mass as well. This is why diabetics lose muscles facia first, then lose muscles fibers and at last lose muscles mass that is the reason why they lose their weight abruptly.
Regarding how to overcome it, diabetics should keep their protein intake higher and fat intake a little bit more than normal. Cause fat content is a bit more and even body is making more physical effort to overcome diabetes body mechanics tends to retain loss of muscles mass or weight as fats continues supplying energy even after starvation or fatigue. And since protein content is high it will help restoration of muscles mass or slows down the process of muscles loss.
So, in conclusion, up taking high protein and a bit more fats will check abrupt loss of muscles mass or weight in diabetics.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
“First Set Hypertrophy”.
As entailed by Mike Mentzer in his Heavy Duty exercise protocol, hypertrophy merely should be achieved in first set. First set of any exercise should be as heavy as possible and as much repetitions as possible. This is a bit liable cause the energy level and enthusiasm is pretty high at that time. If you go on doing first set hypertrophy type of exercise in a circuit covering all muscles and muscles groups you will finish wholesome workout session within 20 minutes. This sounds a bit awkward. If you feel you have to add time to make an hour workout session, you can try your best to use even heavy weight in next sets with keeping repetition range 6-10 if more than that is not possible. If you lose your energy then try drop sets. It’s antagonistic that you first do over 2 -3 types of warm up exercises for each muscle and muscle group before going heavy duty using light weight and doing more repetitions cause you felt easy, and thus stretched out or have fatigued your overall muscles fibers, hypertrophy cannot be achieved instead you will drive your body to opposite direction of achieving hypertrophy. Actually, doing pretty much repetitions using highest weight with full energy and enthusiasm in a single set has already have brought needed hypertrophy inside muscles. This has been called as high intensity training by Mike Mentzer. Doing warmups and then achieving progressive overload will not help in muscle hypertrophy cause you have fatigued your muscles already in your warm ups and progressive exercise load after that seems unproductive. This is a reason why people say they are doing exercise prominently and regularly from last couple of years but they don’t see expected results. The reason behind is the same - “they undergo through progressive overload and drop sets and as muscles has already been fatigued thus workout after that proves to be unproductive.”
Friday, August 4, 2023
“Phenomenon of Heavy Anaerobic Weight Training in Diabetes, Hypertension and High Cholesterol Management.”
When you do a bit of heavy duty and anaerobic weight training, anaerobic affect as achieved from supersets in circuits, you will get cardiological affects upfront to anaerobic affects which in turn will condition your heart and organs so there will be decreased chances of heart attack, heart failure and subsidiary organs failure. Cardiological affect will diminish overall fat and cholesterol level to some extent due to extra pump or pressure of blood through blood stream. This will decrease plaque in arteries if you continue doing this type of training. This will manage your problem of high bad cholesterol or LDL and problematic hypertension to some extent. This exponential loss of bad cholesterol and increase in HDL or good cholesterol with proliferation of internal health or maintenance of homeostasis with loss of total body fat content will slowly manage your high cholesterol levels issue, and accomplishes gaining and regaining of muscles tissues in form of developed tendons and big bellies, and will cut adipose tissues through anaerobic affect i.e. training intensely with depletion of total oxygen content of body. This will increase your immunological affects and strengthen your body that will not only help you to fight with infections, injuries and bodily complications but also will replenish harshening insulin levels and its resistance and initiates rejuvenation of beta-cells along with all other losses and damages made inside the body through injuries, infections and internal damages. Muscles growth achieved will harshen growth of adipose tissues and will help body consume more glucose for energy and thus less glucose will be delivered to your blood stream. Regularity of this type of training protocol will provide longer and more profound overall body relaxation and thus adverse effects of hypertension can be managed with time.