Thursday, April 30, 2020


People know about depression brought about by stress but not brought about by activity-loss with age. People who are very aggressive at work in their young ages get a kind of depression as they move from mid-to-old age as the internal environment and body-index they created in young age and their capacity to fight with external environment has lapsed with time. 

Despite they are active of their own kind in their -mid or -old ages, they have lost their aggressiveness in a right sense. This brings less enthusiasm and tempo down even having lots of things to do in a daily basis. This brings a type of mild depression which in long run may turn in medical conditions. 

So in -mid or -old age, people should try out every thing not to lose their vigor and zeal. Gyming, Hiking, Cycling, Jogging, Driving, Gardening, Sporting, Cluttering, etc. make you feel better and regenerates your vigor and zeal. This will relax muscles, nerves and nodes preventing a kind of depression we never expected. 

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