Wednesday, November 18, 2020

How to restore muscles mass in old age?

 Bodybuilders lose their muscles mass when they grow old. These can be ways to prevent it - 

- Never let you down or always try to engage yourself for a good cause like gardening, social work, farming, painting, cleaning, socializing, etc., 

- Find different ways of exercises as you have enough time,

- Never lose closeness with your wife,

- Take a ten hours sleep every day,

- Take a wholesome diet i.e. more protein and fiber, good amount of carbohydrates, commendable amount of fats, and enough sources of micronutrients, 

- My experience is - milk, dairy and dairy products are excellent anti-aging food sources, 

- Take as much water as possible for muscles restoration,

- Try to be as much as to outdoors. It will be more better if  your are with your family members esp. with kids, 

- Take two eggs daily as omelet or in boiled form,

- Red meat works antagonistic as we lose our muscles mass instead of its proliferation due to age factor, 

- Be away of long standouts and don’t cozy yourself sitting over computer a long time or watching late night TV, 

- Access ways to manage your stress levels and keep yourself safe from volatility, 

- Control your anger and aggression doing situation analysis, 

- Always look for your life, health, and property insurances by doing timely risk assessments, 

- Always try to keep your personality as sharp as it was in your young age, 

- Going religious and mythological eagerness also helps you not stressing out in many circumstances, 

- Try to communicate concisely and with concretion,  

- Avoid wasting time in unfruitful and absurd things, 

- Avoid alcohol, smoking, and betting,

- Avoid high sodium intake, much vegetable oil intake and high sugar intake, 

- Don’t workout too hard but workout smart so that you don’t  lose your lean muscles mass due to age factor, 

- Avoid running long miles or sprinting that can make you lose your muscles mass due to age factor, and 

- Always try to keep yourself happy, energetic, lucrative and on a safer side. 

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