Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fundamentals of Six-pack abs!

How long will it take you to get 6-pack abs? This question must be coming in your mind everyday. And what is the answer to this?

6-pack abs, which is everyone's dream goal.

You have abs, but how much time will it take to show? What is the process of its visibility? I have some steps. Today we will go step by step because every individual is different.

So everyone's destination will have a different timing to reach the 6-pack. It won't be that all the different people reach their goal of 6-pack in the same time. We will talk about that in detail.

Some things you already know. When we talk about 6-pack, what is the most important thing? I cover some categories here. For example, I cover category 1. And here I cover category 2. Now everyone knows that for abs you have to focus on 3 things.

That is, diet. Let's change it. Let's add some color.

Life would be better if it would be colorful. Let's add color to life. Diet.

And then, Exercise. Rest. 3 things are important.

Supplement. Add-on. Optional.

I want to cover category 1. I will tell you one thing. In a week, how much fat can you drop with proper diet, exercise and rest? Let's talk about naturally. It's all natural process.

How much fat can you drop in a week? 0.5% fat per week seems ideal. 0.5% fat per week if you follow proper diet. Of course, you should be in caloric deficit.

You can't expect that you are eating anything in diet.

You are overeating sugar, pizza, pasta, etc. I am not adding that. What does diet mean? We are talking about good clean nutrition.

You will drop 0.5% fat per week. If your body fat is 30%. When are your abs visible? When your abs are less than 10%.

Single digit. What does single digit mean? Let's take 9% is your ultimate goal. First goal.

You can't go straight 5%. 9% would also be your first goal. Because single digit is less than 10%.

Single digit means visible six pack. Visible abdominal area. 9% is a single digit.

How much time will it take you to reach 9% from 30%? If you drop 0.5% fat per week. 

How many weeks will it take you to drop 30% fat?

It will take 60 weeks. If your diet is good. If you are exercising and resting well.

It will take you 40 weeks to workout to make six pack. If you are 20%.

If you are 15%. And you want to reach 9%. How many weeks will it take you? 30 weeks. 

The time to reach to be 10%. This will take 20 weeks. 

To reach 9%. Because this is the scientific average. This will take 18 weeks. 

Yes, This is how you can calculate. You can do your math.

You will understand this formula. 0.5% per week for a scientific average 9%. Simple.

Category 2. Here I want to add those people. Those people who are really crazy. Crazy means they just want six pack abs.

And they want to put so much hard. They are willing to work out 2 times a day.

They are eating good diet. They are resting properly. I am adding in this category.

Diet. Exercise. Which is almost twice a day.

Weight training in the evening. Abs workout in the morning. And they are working out 6 days a week.

They are working out 6 times a week. They are working out twice. Weight training in the evening. Ab training in the morning. 

And cardio. You understand that? In this case you are working out once.

And working out 6 times. So here your effort has doubled. Here your rest is a proper 8 hours rest.

Then what will happen? 1% loss per week. You see that? It has doubled. It means.

You are putting your body in that zone. Where body is burning more fat. Almost double.

Now what will happen? The whole process will be in front of you. What will happen? From 30% to 9% It will take you 21 weeks. From 20% to 9% It will take you 11 weeks. From 15% to 9% it will take 6 weeks. From 10% to 9% it will take 1 week. 

You see what is happening? You see how much you work hard. The more hard work you put in. The more work you are putting in for losing fat (p.c.). 

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