Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Story of Leo Tolstoy

There is a very famous story of Leo Tolstoy. It is said that in ancient Russia, three Fakirs became very famous. They became so famous that the greatest priest of that time was very jealous of those three Fakirs.

Because gradually people stopped coming to the church. The crowd of people had disappeared from the church. Now all the people had started going to those three Fakirs.

The great priest of that time thought, who are these three Fakirs who became saints while I was alive. Because there is a tradition in Christianity that unless the church gives credibility to a person, he cannot become a saint. The priest was very upset.

Because the popularity of the church was decreasing day by day. But one day the limit was reached. The priest sat in the church all day.

But not a single person came to the church. The priest was very angry. He decided that today the three Fakirs will not be spared.

Today I will teach a lesson to those three Fakirs. He dressed up in his priest's attire. He wore a golden crown.

He took the golden stick in his hand, which was the symbol of the great priest. And he went to meet those three Fakirs. Those three Fakirs lived across a big lake.

The priest sat in a boat and reached across the lake. A little ahead, he saw three simple people sitting under a big tree. They were sitting quietly under the tree.

The priest went to them and said,  Are you the three famous saints, because of whom people have stopped coming to my church? Those three said, Saints? No, no. What are we saints? We are not worthy of being saints. The people here say that we are saints.

I don't know who spread this false rumor, by which the crowds of people come here.We refuse them every day, that don't come here. But the more we refuse, the more the crowd is increasing.

We are tired of this crowd. This crowd does not stop us. We want to be alone.

It's good that you came. Now you save us from this crowd. The priest was very happy.

He thought, These are very innocent people. I will teach them a lesson. Today I will put these three in line.

The priest asked, But what do you three do? They said, Nothing. We just sit under this tree and pray to God.The priest asked, Where is the Bible? They bowed their heads.

The priest asked, What happened? They said, What should I tell you now? We are all illiterate. We don't know how to read. What will we do with the Bible? Hearing this, the priest was even happier.

He thought, We are illiterate. Yet we have fooled so many people. I will teach them a lesson.

I will humiliate them in front of the whole city. The priest asked, Then how do you pray? You must remember the prayer of the church. Hearing this, the three bowed their heads again.

The priest asked, What happened now? Why did you bow your heads again? They said, What should I tell you? We are ashamed to tell you that we don't even know how to pray. The priest asked, What? You don't even know how to pray? The three bowed their heads again. The priest asked, Then how do you pray? They said, The prayer of your church is very long.

We illiterate people can't even remember it. And there is no point in reading it wrong. So after thinking a lot, after calculating a lot, we made a prayer of our own.

Hearing this, the priest shouted loudly, What? You made a prayer of your own? Prayer is universal. It is written in the scriptures. It is thousands and thousands of years old.

God himself taught Jesus to pray. But you people made a prayer of your own? He said, We made a big mistake. Forgive us.

We are illiterate people. We don't know anything. Now whatever prayer you will teach us, we will do that prayer from today.

We beg of you. We made a big mistake. Forgive us.

And you teach us your prayer. But the priest was also curious. Let me see, what prayer they have made.

The priest said, First you people tell me your prayer. They said, No king. Our prayers have no meaning.

You don't embarrass us anymore. You teach us your prayer. But the priest didn't agree.

So after the priest's repeated insistence, finally he agreed to tell his prayer. He said, We thought a lot. We thought a lot.

But we didn't think of any prayer. Then we remembered, that in Christianity, three forms of God are believed. So we made our prayer on this.

If you will listen to our prayer, you will laugh at us. After this, they all became silent. The priest said, Tell me.

I won't laugh. They said, God has three forms. So we made a prayer that, We are three.

You are three. Have mercy on us. Hearing this, the priest also laughed.

He said, I have heard a lot of prayers in my life. But I have never heard such a prayer. He started thinking, They are very stupid people.

Today I will definitely put an end to them. These three will have to come to me in the church. Those three said, You leave us.

Teach us your prayer. We will do the same from today. The priest started teaching them the prayer of the church.

They said, One more time. The priest repeated again. They said, One more time.

The priest repeated for the third time. They said, One more time. Don't go anywhere.

The priest repeated again. They said, One last time. The priest said, Don't worry.

Come to the church sometimes. Gradually, your life will also start improving. And if you come every day, You will also learn this prayer.

They said, Yes. As you wish. The priest was very happy.

He said, Don't be afraid. Come to the church. I will forgive you.

And I will also forgive the people. He said, Thank you very much. You are a great man.

The priest thought, One problem is solved. I have brought these fools on the line. He sat on his boat and started going back.

The boat had just reached in the middle of the lake. There was a sound of some people screaming from behind. The priest and his wife turned around and saw.

They were shocked. The three of them, While calling the priest, They were running on the water of the lake. They were running on the water, As if someone was running on the ground.

Seeing this, The priest dropped the stick of gold from his hand and fell on the boat. This miracle had only been shown by Jesus. The three of them ran to the shore of the boat and stood up.

And said to the priest, You tell us that prayer again. We are forgetting it. He says it starts like this.

He says it starts like this. I say it starts like this. The three of us have started arguing.

Now we argue or pray. So you tell us that prayer again. The priest bent down and held his feet.

And said, Whatever you have told so far, Whatever you have said, Forget everything. Your prayer won and mine lost. Your prayer is the best.

It is best because it has been heard. And the truth is that from now on, I will also pray for you. I made a mistake.

Which I considered your prayer less. While the lack was in my faith. The weakness was my prayer.

So you forgive me. It will be a great favor. The three of them kept saying, You tell us your prayer again.

But the priest quietly bowed his head. And left.

It should be very familiar. It should be accepted by millions of people. If our prayer is true, If it is done with a pure heart, Then it should be heard by God.

Then even if it is a simple prayer of two words, From the story of those three saints, What we get to learn is that, No matter what we do, But do not do it for show. Whenever we do any work, Then our whole soul should be immersed in that work. We should be fully committed to that work.

If we can do every work with this dedication, Then our success is assured in every work. As happened with those three saints. They prayed with such dedication, That they did not pray, Their soul did.

Then their prayer became so true, That even God could not live without hearing their prayer.

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