Tuesday, October 22, 2024

We can get pretty much muscles growth even with lighter weights!

It's been illustrated numerous times in numerous studies that you can grow just as much muscle training light sets of 20 to 30 reps, sets of 15 to 30 reps, as if you go heavy, sets of 5 to 10 or something like that. But there's one caveat to those studies.

You have to try hard in every single set. So if you do a set of five and it's actually like your eight-rep max and you do that last fifth, it doesn't look like a grind, you're actually not going to get muscle growth. If you do that with a set of 25 and that last rep doesn't look like you're fighting for your life, you will not get as much muscle growth.

So if you go closer to failure, one, two, or three reps actually from failure will get you close to your hyper-failure or targeted extreme.  Because you got more acid accumulating, your blood stream is regulating more nutrients and other essentials pretty effectively, only then you can earn that growth. 

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