Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Book of the Future

If you search 30802500 on Google, you will find Codex Leicester at the top, which is the name of a book of the future. Bill Gates bought this book of the future in 1994 for $30802500, i.e. $3,08,25,000, which is 250 crore rupees. Today's value of this book is 400 crore rupees.

And the one who bought it is the founder of Microsoft, who understands technology. What did he see in this book? The future of science, education, and technology was written in this book. The science and technology we are living in now, Leonardo da Vinci had written this time 500 years ago.

Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath. Polymath is the one who is the master of every field. 500 years ago, he made 240 sketches of the human body, then there was no X-ray.

These are the same as today's modern science sketches. He was so curious, he wanted to know so much that he used to go to the graveyard, dig the grave, remove the corpse, and observe his body. To see how the human body was made.

You can see all these sketches of the body on your screen. You must have seen Bhallal Dev's chariot in the movie Bahubali. But now look at this image.

Vinci had made the design of this chariot at that time. He had an impossible imagination skill. Now listen to why I am using the word impossible.

Look at this photograph. This is the map of Italy, which is taken from the satellite. And now look at this sketch of the 16th century.

At the time when there was no satellite, he imagined the city and drew such a sketch that if you look at the city from above, it will look like this. At that time, there was no aeroplane, no drone, no building to see the city from such a height. It means that Vinci is the first person who imagined a city from such a height.

Leonardo da Vinci had made a 33-barrel organ. This means that 33 small carribal guns could fire at the same time. At that time, according to 500 years ago, this was a very advanced mechanism.

He wrote letters to the kings who made many types of weapons. He used to challenge that I can make such weapons for you that can crush the armies of your enemies. The search for tankers has been done by looking at the design made by Vinci.

500 years ago, Vinci had a sketch of such a fighting machine which was in the shape of a tortoise. There was a cannon all around it, which could be turned in any direction and attacked. The world had seen the first helicopter in 1940.

But how did Vinci fly a helicopter 500 years ago? How does the helicopter work? The whole design of this was prepared. He could not make it by experimenting in reality because there was no technology at that time. We have read so far that Wright brothers invented the aeroplane.

But when they were not even born, Vinci made a model of how it could be flown in the air hundreds of years ago. He made a model of the machine. Vinci loved birds.

He bought birds for his satisfaction and freed them from cages. He spent a good time with the birds. He observed the birds to see how they could fly.

One day, he also wanted to fly. He also wanted to fly in the air. Then he designed a model.

If anyone wants to know how a bird can fly, then you have to make a video of it. You have to watch it in slow motion. If you want to watch it in slow motion, then you will be able to see each and every wing.

But how did Vinci capture each and every frame of a bird flying? He kept the bird in a cage. He opened the cage of the birds. As soon as the bird starts flying, he observes it and starts making a sketch.

He observed it frame by frame and sketched it. So that he could know why the bird is flying. He understood this process and made a flying machine.

The whole design of this was prepared. You can see that he also made a place for a person to sit in it. Sebastian Lenormand is credited with making Parachute.

But Vinci was the first person to make a sketch of a person flying in the air with a structure like an umbrella. Hearing this, we were surprised that on 26 June 2000, Andre Nicholas saw Vinci's sketch and made a parachute. And then he took it and jumped from a height of 10,000 feet.

That too without any safety. People were surprised when Nicholas got down safely. And Vinci's sketch was proven to be correct.

The most desperate project of his life, in which he has given a lot of time, is the painting of Mona Lisa. He gave 14 years. To make this painting, he used a smaller brush than his hair.

People say that he has made his female version. Many people say that there are many secrets hidden in it. In fact, it is very difficult to tell the expression of Mona Lisa.

He has another famous painting, The Last Supper. When Jesus and his 12 pupils were being crucified, then all these people sat together for the last time and ate food. This painting depicts that incident.

Plus, there is one more interesting thing that I did it myself. I was stunned to see. If you open this painting in Photoshop, and put another image on top of it in duplicate, and flip the image above, and then overlay it, then as you move the image above, you will see something else.

Think, Tesla has now launched a self-driving car. But Vinci has a sketch where he has made a self-driving vehicle model, which he named self-propelled car. The first car in the world was made in 1886.

Before that car, he made a self-driving vehicle. That too 500 years ago, which he can't see by experimenting. Think, if it was available today, they would have taken advantage of technology and flown the car in the air.

All the discoveries I have told so far, or many more scientific, artistic discoveries, or many mysteries, like why the color of the sky is blue, why birds can live in the air for so long, all these things are written in the Codex Leicester book, which Bill Gates bought for 250 million rupees, whose value today is 400 million rupees. Leonardo da Vinci has done so many discoveries, has given so many ideas, has made so many designs, has done so many paintings. Some people say he was not a scientist, he was a painter.

Some people say he was an artist. Some people say he was not an artist, he was a scientist. That's why there is a word for him.

He is called Polymath, who is the king of every field. But now see that in the time of Vinci, there was no technology like today, but with a logical outlook, you have seen what a person can do. You also need the same logical and practical style of learning.

Walter Ejection, who has written a book on Leonardo da Vinci, in which he has told the secret of Vinci's observation that how did he observe things? How did he see things? Because whatever you observe, you gradually become.

So, if you also want to learn to observe anything deeply, then Mr. Vinci has told these steps. Step number 1, if you want to observe anything, then write the details of its physical appearance. Write as much as you can in the details.

You will understand why to write. For example, there is a problem. So, why is that problem? How big is that problem? What is not happening? What is the need to do? Whatever you understand, write everything related to the problem.

Step number 2, because of that thing what you have thought, because of that, what is the reaction on other things, write that. Example, there is a problem, because of that, on your life, on your mental condition, on your finance, what is the difference, write it. I have taken the problem only as an example, it is different everywhere.

And then the third step is, start experimenting. When you write each and every problem, and also write its reaction, or write anything about it, and you write its reaction, then what happens is, it gets recorded in your mind. Then you are not working, your mind is working in the back end.

Your mind is working in the back end, even if you are not doing anything. That's why, it happens anytime, that after 2 days, an idea comes, which was not coming before. After 2 days, 3 days, a solution comes, which was not coming before.

That happens because, your mind was working in the back end. So just keep experimenting, and keep writing observations. After a few days, if you think again, a new one will come in your mind.

Because your mind, works in the back end. Now let's come to the second point of this video, where we will talk about Vinci's thoughts. I am only going to say 7 lines, every line has a very deep meaning, so listen carefully.

Vinci says, the one who wants to become rich in a day, he will be hanged in a year. He says, the way being brave is dangerous, in the same way, fear protects us. Even if you are learning something new 24 hours a day, your mind does not get tired.

Vinci says, time is for the one who uses it for a long time. He says, the life spent in a beautiful way is long. He says, the willpower to work is not enough.

Work and show. And in the last, my favorite line is, nature never breaks its rules. In each of these lines, there is a whole life.

Look, everyone has the ability, I have not one, not two, not ten, not fifty, not hundred, I have seen a thousand times that every human being has some ability. Like you are seeing me now, there is something inside you, with which you are not doing justice. You are not doing it right.

You are not using your power properly. Why are you not doing it? Vinci says, because we have a friend, his name is mind, and he is very weak. He stops, he is scared, he wants to be comfortable.

What does this weak mind tell you again and again? Folks, you are working so hard, even after doing so much, if it did not happen, why would it happen in the future? Why are you giving yourself so much pain? Let's stop, let's give up. What will you get? What will you do with what you get? Vinci says, in life, every person gets stuck at least once or twice. Now, according to Vinci, at this point, you should use your sense of humor.

You heard it right. You should have the zeal to lighten the bad conditions and make fun of it. Your ability will only be justified when you make fun of difficult conditions and show the courage to move forward.

This is not me, this is what Vinci is saying. Third, let's talk about Vinci's Interconnected Theory. This is my favorite theory.

According to Vinci, everything in the world is interconnected in a very beautiful way. You just need the eye of the beholder. He never considered history, science, maths, poetry, any subject separately.

If you pick up his journal book, you will not find that things are kept in categories, science is different, arts are different. Some physics experiments are written, some biology observations are written, and if you see, there is a helicopter sketch in the middle. So you will find that the hand of a human body is written in detail.

And this also happens because Vinci knew how to see similarities. And if you look at nature, you will find a lot of similar things. If you look at small examples, if you look at lungs and trees, if you look at the neurons of the brain and the map of the city, we see a lot of things in daily life like the walnut looks like a brain, the root of the tree looks like our nerves.

I have taken a very small example of how many similarities. This freedom, this childlike mind that sees similarities, is not found in studies. It is not found. If you mix history and physics here, people will think you are a fool.

If you mix chemistry and account, people will think you are a genius. If you add science and commerce, add arts and commerce, people will think you are a fool. But what if I tell you that all the successful people in the world or all the successful companies or startups that are coming and will come, what they do is they mix two industries.

Aren't companies doing the same? Aren't many products running on the basis that they mix two different things? So tell me, can you see connections in two different things?Can you connect dots? And you can practice this thing while walking You see what similarities do you see? What are the two different things that you mix if you are in the imagination, it becomes interesting. By doing this exercise again and again, your practice is to build indirect connections between things.

This makes your mind run randomly. It is so random that you make a solution that people think how can he do this? That is because you try to mix a lot of different things. The fourth point for them who are artists, creative people or work like me, Vincy has given amazing advice for them.

He says that we have been working on any project for a long time. So because we are working on it, we are very attached to it. So we don't know its errors and its shortcomings.

We say that it is perfect. So if you want to make your project such that there are add minimum mistakes in it, then you have to take a break. Take a break for 1-2 days.

You don't have to do anything. After that, when you will work on that project again, your perspective will be different. Now let's focus on the last and most important point of this video. Any genius person in the world, any scientist, any smart person, whether he is now or in the has seen one thing in him that does not end until he dies.

And that thing is such that he himself cannot recognize. And because of this, Vinci and many people like him have done a lot. You will do anything or I will do anything because of that thing. And because of that thing, there is no need for because motivation happens today, it does not happen tomorrow.

After that, you become unstoppable. You don't talk like today it is it is not happening That is curiosity, itchiness, desire, you have to know that tell the difference between then it is not talent, it is not physical strength, it is not education, it is curiosity. To grow up means that you want to find the then you find the answer or then you have to take action to find the if you want to know, you will either take action for it or learn it.

One thing that can your success and your current condition is to ask and find the answer. If this insect bites you once that without knowing about without getting angry with then the world is far away, you will not to stop yourself from getting what you want. And if you want to and know what to then have action to learn it.

If you want to find something then make sure you have taken yourself to the position of finding it and then  learn it. If you learned it, then make sure of taking action immediately after learning it.

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