Friday, October 11, 2024

The Story of great Joe DiMaggio

Practice can change every one’s personality. When people see the game of Joe DiMaggio, they say that how easily a person can do everything.

Joe DiMaggio was the greatest baseball batsman. He did not get out in 56 consecutive matches. 75 years later, no one has been able to break this record.

But Joe DiMaggio had a specialty that affected everyone. His batting looked very effortless. Just like Rohit Sharma hits sixes today, Joe DiMaggio used to hit sixes with his will in every match.

Not only that, Joe's personality was also effortless. Big people, governors, ministers and heroines were eager to meet him. Joe DiMaggio had an elegance in his personality that he was always chill with everyone.

He never flustered. Once, a 50-year-old reporter came to interview Joe DiMaggio. He asked him a question.

How do you feel that you have the natural talent to hit a ball? DiMaggio suddenly said, Uncle, what did you say? Let me show you something. DiMaggio took the reporter to the basement and showed him his practice routine. First, he would take the name of the ball.

The ball coming inside. Then he would swing the bat accordingly. The ball dipping fast.

Then he would swing the bat. The ball swinging outside. Then he would swing the bat.

By doing this, he showed the reporter 20 shots. When this routine was completed, he drew a line on the basement wall with chalk. Then he turned on the rest of the lights in the basement.

The reporter's eyes widened. There were thousands of lines on all four walls of the basement. DiMaggio said, Uncle, don't call me a natural hitter anymore.

Every year, when this wall is filled with marks, we clean it. And I start practicing again. DiMaggio was taught this routine by his father, which he had been doing for the past 17 years.

Friends, in the glory of the hero's game, we don't see the hard work behind it. And the special form of this hard work is practice. It happens to all of us.

When a child answers in the class, we feel for a second how smart he is. We don't see how long that child has been practicing alone. For months and years, he is slowly increasing his concentration.

Swami Vivekananda says, Your intelligence is nothing. Your concentration is the power to stop at one place. In a successful and unsuccessful person, in a capable and powerless person,  the difference is only in the power of meditation.

The power of meditation is developed through practice. When a doctor goes to his clinic, he says, I am going to practice. How deep is it? We should have this attitude about our work.

We don't work. We don't study. But we practice to get better.

Through a skill, we practice to stop our concentration at one place. As this practice becomes effortless, our confidence also increases. Similarly, our personality changes.

Due to practice, Joe DiMaggio's game reached an effortless level. Then due to the same confidence, his personality also became effortless. Friends, whatever you want to do, break it down into a few steps and practice again and again until that work, that skill becomes effortless for you.

Friends, if you want to be like him, then practice every day, you should make it as your daily routine. Witness yourself for your valuable time. You will win one day for sure. 

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